30 April 2007

Im sorry to say that I will no longer be making comics over the weekends. This is purely because I suck and I cant come up with an idea every single day. Gimme a freakin break people (o.0) whadya' want from me? Consistancy?

P.S. Sorry if you're not a fan of WoW but through my relatively short time with the game
(only a couple of weeks worth of solid gameplay, not much really ^.^;) i've picked up on a goldmine of satyrical material. *Nerd-Fest*


GaoSalad said...

Don't sweat it, man. We aren't perfect, so just do your best. I don't even play WoW but I still find them quite funny.

Anonymous said...

hahaha! you forget the sense of pride that a flying mount brings. you've accomplished something in the world. of warcraft.

btw, how dare you have a life outside of your webcomic. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Anonymous said...

i think WOW fans prefer the term 'nerd HERD' actually alan...